"South Korea's Transition into an Eco-friendly Society"
🌷During the summertime, we had an experience of a lifetime. Our adventure started with a simple curiosity: What is society doing to help solve the environmental problem? 🌱Luckily, we had the chance to dissipate our curiosity by witnessing firsthand the efforts being made in a country that now we call our second home. We got the chance to visit wonderful natural places inside Korea🌿🦋, meet amazing people and most importantly, learn and transform ourselves into more responsible global citizens 🌏💪🏾 that not only study about environmental issues but now are prepared to engage more actively with the goal of preserving our Mother Nature. Join us to relive this amazing experience!! 🌳🌳🌳 #LG글로벌챌린저 #LG체린저스 #국내탐방 #도전 #자연 #순천만습지 #순천국가정원 #LGGlobalChallengers #ecotourism #nature #Korea #Pachamama #브로그 #탐방 #기후변화 #LG글로벌챌린저25기 #LGV50ThinQ