Once, reading from the words of H. Nearing, she found a phrase that said: "Everyone who feels "I love"adds to the heavenly glow". Those words stayed in her mind for long time. She asked herself, if that ever would be possible to feel. Was it supposed to be through a person? Through an experience? She had no idea. Until she realized it was through the "here"and "now", that heavenly glow took form. She understood that "loving", is not only about us, but about the synergy that one must have with the soil, with the ground, with the being and the inert. With the earth. And one can only be able to revitalize that synergic feeling when is living the present. When there is a necessity to recognize and be active observant of the surroundings. More than ever, she felt that she belonged to the earth and that she loved. Under that sky, at that precise moment, she felt that the peace and kindness toward her surroundings, added to that heavenly glow.